
Concept of Noise Cancellation

by Shreya Dey,on Wed Oct 14,2017

Call center headsets these days has been stormed with noise cancellation system which is a amazing innovation for sure. Noise cancellation in headsets are of two types basically, one in the headphones and other in the microphones. First type of noise cancellation protects the agent from surrounding noise and the second type helps the customer in the other hand to listen agent’s voice clearly without any disturbance.

Noise cancellation in the microphones of Call center headsets helps the customers to hear agents voice better. These microphones are designed to catch only agent’s voice with ignoring the surrounding voice. There are many ways by which such noise cancellation can be achieved such as microphone’s position, shape and digital signal process approach. There are many headsets that come with wind sock facility which eliminates surrounding noise completely.

In modern call center headsets, multiple mics can be found to eliminate surrounding noises. The multiple mics are kept in specific distance from each other. One of them are kept closer to agent’s voice and another one is placed to catch surrounding noise. Then, using digital algorithm, they subtract the surrounding noise and only transfer agent’s voice.

Whatever technology any manufacturer uses these days, but the principle of approach stays same. Agent’s voice gets transferred to the customer and surrounding voice gets debarred at the starting itself. Not only call center headsets but it is also used in smart headsets these days which people use for personal communication to improve voice transfer quality.

Noise cancellation in the headphones is of two types as well, passive noise cancellation and active noise cancellation. The passive one is mostly used in music earpiece which eliminates surrounding voices. They are designed to fully cover the ears to stop external sounds.  The active noise cancellation uses advanced technology that detects and analyzes incoming noise patterns and generates a mirror “anti-noise” signal to cancel it. This way, it delivers sounds with reduced noise level.

In call center headsets, they employ both the headphone and microphone noise cancellation technique to make a smooth conversation for both sides.


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