
Organization Name: Indian Metrological Department

Client Requirement:

They require an IVR based weather & forecasting System where customer can call on particular number and get the information. We also provide the provision to play warning messages at the initiation of call.

Step-1 Welcome message will be play with any important message during disaster/poor climate activities.

Step-2 language option

Step-3 to know the country wide weather information press1, system will ask to input country code and message will be announced.

Step-4 To know the air quality and weather information Press 2, there will be 4 options further:

To know about Delhi/NCR Press 1

Main Menu Services

  • For central Delhi city area press
  • for east Delhi city area press 2
  • For west Delhi city area press 3
  • For north Delhi city area press 4
  • For South Delhi city area press 5

For Pune region Press 2

For Mumbai region Press 3

Press 4 to any other cities (you need to put STD codes)

Step-5 Information will be play.

Step-6 Thanks message will be play.

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