
Omni channel communication software in India

Omni Channel Communication software gives small & Big business ability to communicate with customers in a seamless conservation while moving between channels such as voice,chat, SMS/text, email, social media and more.

Omni channel communication software in India is a cross-channel strategy that organizations use to improve their user experience and drive better relationships with their audience across points of contact.

The most important thing is that Omni channel communication software support all possible channels, which is an impossibility for most organisations.

Omni channel communication software solution is a multi-channel communication that is distinctive due to its focus on providing a customer experience throughout every channel. The omni channels communication platform approach combines that what customer needs with the same customer experience across all channels.

We are Omni channel communication platform with multiple communication medium like Telephony, WhatsApp, SMS, Email, Social media etc. Omni channel communication solution it’s easy for agents to see history of customer communications.

Today’s customers increasingly expect a seamless, integrated, consistent and personalized experience with their service providers which current multi-channel models—with their multiple silos of customer contact—are unable to provide. Instead, a fully integrated response to these new customer requirements will need to be both customer-driven and omni-channel communication software in nature.

Omni Channel Communication Software Platform

Omni channel communication platform offers the power of communication to customers with simplifying the way of service process. The omni channel communication software flawless switching without the need of starting the conversation.

Omni channel communication solution generate a positive environment between call center and customer with SMS, WhatsApp, social media etc.

Omni Channel Communication Software Solution

Omni Channel Communication Software solution has all the features which a Business Communication Software & Call Center Software has.

MIS Reports would be generated as per day to day to operations. There can be types available like open/closed/escalated reports. The reports would be available to those users only whom admin has given authorities to access it. MIS users would login into the CRM panel and view the listing of available reports.

To view a particular report, there will be filters/parameters available which users’ needs to select and the report would be displayed accordingly. Reports can also be extracted in excel format.

Business Requirements:

  • It is mandatory to select the report type.
  • Validations should be applied on the date & other parameters for viewing the report.
  • Once user click on export button, it should display the option to save the report in the excel format.

Report Types:

  • Report based on Complaint medium/Complaint Type
  • No. Of Open/closed/pending complaints
  • Date wise/Subdivision wise/Shift wise

This section of the document specifies the functional requirements of client. It would provide complete work flow of complaint via Multiple mediums and specified the details that user should receive on successful implementation.

Workflow of Complete Complaint cycle

As call connects with Agents, the system will call client API to get details of consumer such as Name, Key Code etc. on basis of Mobile number.

There will be two types of such system call will be applicable:

  • a) Information Call-One button will be given on user screen to access CRM consumer page. The user will then check the respective details and share with the agent.
  • b) Register complaint- Clicking on complaint button will take the agent to CRM page of consumer details. In there the agent will be able to generate complaint based on issues like No Current, Other Complaints, and Transfer Burnt etc. and in response share the complaint number with him.

Complaint Assign to FRT - Based on selected Subdivision, complaint would be going to bucket of concern FRT. They get alert while receiving complaint assigned by system (auto-assigned) or administrator.

  • Accepted complaint would add into task list, One SMS will be push to consumers with tracking link of FRT.
  • On closure of complaint, User will take consumer's signature & comments on android phone & also capture the Latitude & longitude of consumer site. All the captured details through mobile app will be pushing to CRM back to maintain the records.
  • Rejected complaint will ask reason from user and sent to administrator. Complaints can be rejected due to out of scope or not lying in FRT Area.
  • Complaint status will be triggering back to CRM if will not get any action via FRT side within predefined time Complaint status will be triggering back to CRM if will not get any action via FRT side within predefined time
  • a) Feedback call On closure - Agent would do the outbound calling on closure request to get consumer feedback on resolution provided by FRT. Complaint will be closed If consumer will be satisfied by provided resolution otherwise complaint will be open & escalate to team as per the hierarchy.
  • b) Follow up calling – Agent would do follow ups for resolutions on escalated cases. Complaints will be specified in different color code at every stage to ease of understanding.

The technical work flow of Omni Channel Communication System is divided into three prime section comprises of Primary architecture, Cloud 1 & Cloud 2.

A. Primary Architecture

  • Complete set up of CTI/Database servers will be place on Primary location.
  • Users will be connecting to primary location and seating locally.
  • 8 PRI lines from each service provider will be terminating at Server end through gateway.
  • Primary server will receive calls on toll free, short codes through BSNL PRI lines & on direct other service provider number through other service provider PRI.
  • Connecting agents on primary server & data base do not require any bandwidth
  • Redundant CTI & Database Server system will also be placed on Primary location as a secondary server along with some 8 BSNL PRI
  • We are taking one window server on primary location to get all the database into one system and it will be synchronize with available cloud MIS server
  • NES Drive needed at primary site with space of 10TB for storage.
  • Require one server for CRM to access locally.
  • Connecting CRM will have required 64 kbps internet bandwidth per concurrent connectivity, assuming 100 user concurrent connectivity, may require approx. 98MBPS bandwidth

B. Cloud 1

  • One MIS/Database Server will be installed on cloud 1 that will be synchronized with Primary Database server
  • Client will able to access Admin panel globally for MIS section
  • One Server to access CRM
  • FTP Server-To Store Voice files.

C. Cloud 2

  • Redundant server to access CRM

The Final Section: User’s Site Connectivity

  • Internet for remote support
  • TCP/IP Voice Supported LAN Network for 150 agents
  • Online UPS powered power point Servers & User systems
  • Air-condition environment
  • Public IP require for all three sites Primary/Cloud 1/Cloud 2
  • CTI / Data Base/ MIS / Agent server & Pcs

Omni Channel Communication System is comprised of huge technical application which requires a flawless integration. This system require API from the client for third party application such as SCADA, Mobile app; web Portal, GIS, Revenue Management System, Feeder Monitoring system, DT Metering system etc. for a smooth integration.

Particulars of integration system:

  • SMS API provide by client -it will be deliver on registration of complaint, On FRT Assigning, Resolution of complaint, On closure, Reopening of complaint, Escalation of complaint etc.
  • Social Media: Facebook / Whatsapp /Twitter or any other Pages can be handling manually
  • Database -Consumer database along with billing server details require with integration of CRM.
  • Vehicle tracking system -Need FRT Location URL for Tracking and it will share with consumer while accepting of complaint.
  • The above integrations are done as per user requirement and requires user’s gateway to accomplish the task.

Alerts and Events Omni Channel Communication System is designed for improved Alerts generation for events or registered complaints. The alerts system and even creation works in the following way.

Alerts notification:

Complaint Rejected- this could happen in two possible cases; either it can be out of scope or not lying in concerned area. In this case, the user will get alert notification for the same.


The user will also get notified if any complaint escalated to next level of management hierarchy. In this case crossing SLA notification will be sent to the user.

Other -It will also notify the system about any action taken against a complaint by the user or management. 

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